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Centro Singular de Investigación en Química Biológica y Materiales Moleculares (CIQUS)

Universidad de Santiago de Compostela

Research lines

1.- Accelerated synthesis of dendrimers via "click & green" procedures.
2.-Preparation of polymer vesicles with precise control over size and permeability: models of protocells and bioreactors for therapeutic applications.
3.- Affidendrons: multivalent protein-dendrimer bioconjugates for recognition of greater affinity and specificity.
4.-Development of dendritic micelles as delivery systems for anti-cancer drugs with sensitivity to the environment.
5. -Design of dendrimers as radiopharmaceuticals and image probes.


Eduardo Fernandez-Megia
Juan Correa
Samuel Parcero
Maun H. Tawara
Roi Lopez-Blanco
Muna Al-Nimat
Petar Vukojicic
Ulung Khoe

Fundings (last 5 years selection)

1-GAIN–FEDER.  Affidendrons anti-SARS-CoV-2 S: herramientas multivalentes para diagnóstico temprano y terapia antiviral COVID-19. Ref. IN845D 2020/09 (2020-2022).

2.- Horizon 2020. ENDOSCAPE, a clinically applicable non-viral gene delivery technology.  Ref. 825730 (2019-2022).

3.- MINECO. Micelas dendríticas en terapia y diagnóstico: Control de la arquitectura y actividad a partir de la estructura molecular. Ref.  CTQ2015-69021-R (2016-2018)

4.- European Union. NanoFar - European Doctorate in Nanomedicine and Pharmaceutical Innovation. Ref.  520170-1-2011-FR-ERA MUNDUS-EMJD (2011-2019).

Publications (last selection 5 years)

1.- Amaral, S. P.; Tawara, M. H.; Fernandez-Villamarin, M.; Borrajo, E.; Martínez-Costas, J.; Vidal, A.; Riguera, R.; Fernandez-Megia, E. Tuning the Size of Nanoassembles: A Hierarchical Transfer of Information from Dendrimers to Polyion Complexes. Angew. Chem., Int. Ed. 2018, 57, 5273-5277.

2.- Fernandez-Villamarin, M.; Sousa-Herves, A.; Porto, S.; Guldris, N.; Martinez-Costas, J.; Riguera, R.; Fernandez-Megia, E. A dendrimer-hydrophobic interaction synergy improves the stability of polyion complex micelles. Polym. Chem. 2017, 8, 2528-2537.

3.- Liko, F.; Hindré, F.; Fernandez-Megia, E. Dendrimers as Innovative Radiopharmaceuticals in Cancer Radionanotherapy. Biomacromolecules 2016, 17, 3103-3114.

4.- Leire, E.; Amaral, S. P.; Louzao, I.; Winzer, K.; Alexander, C.; Fernandez-Megia, E.; Fernandez-Trillo, F. Dendrimer mediated clustering of bacteria: improved aggregation and evaluation of bacterial response and viability. Biomater. Sci. 2016, 4, 998-1006.

5.- Sousa-Herves, A.; Sánchez Espinel, C.; Fahmi, A.; González-Fernández, Á.; Fernandez-Megia, E. In situ nanofabrication of hybrid PEG-dendritic-inorganic nanoparticles and preliminary evaluation of their biocompatibility. Nanoscale 2015, 7, 3933-3940.

International Collaborations

1.- Profs. Frédéric Pecorari and Barbara Mouratou, Université de Nantes (Francia)

2.- Prof. Hendrik Fuchs, Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin (Alemania)

2.- Prof. Martín A. Bruno, Universidad Católica de Cuyo (Argentina)

3.- Prof. François Hindré, Université Angers (Francia)

4.- Prof. Paola Allavena, Istituto Clinico Humanitas, Milan (Italia)


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